Portfolio Boot Camp

Portfolio Boot Camp


What is it: Portfolio Boot Camp is a four week intensive online course designed to help create the best possible presentation of yourself to share with your dream office.

Who is it for: Anyone who feels they need an edge to stand out in the professional market and is serious about working in top tier design offices.

How to sign up: Send an email to info@assmblemass.com and with the subject line “Portfolio Boot Camp”. We will schedule your first meeting and request that you  send payment to paypal.me/assemblemass. Each module will cost $99.

For more info email us at info@assmblemass.com


The Goal in Module 1 is to establish your voice as a designer and making sure it is heard in your medium (in your portfolio, CV, worksample, etc). During Module 1 we will work on laying out a proper CV and make early graphic design decisions that might help impact the overall delivery of your presentation as a whole. We will start by reviewing the material you have on hand and use that as a base.


Module 2 is titled “Elevator Pitch” because the hope is to clearly, concisely and efficiently provide a presentation of you as a designer. Many offices get flooded with portfolio daily and it is easy to let you work get thrown into the “maybe” pile only to be forgotten. The hope here is to make sure you make a good first impression with your work sample without being too overtelling. We will use the much of this module to try and create an 8.5 x 11 template that the student can fine tune.


 Module 3 is probably where the bulk of this course will be spent. Here users will create a template for a full portfolio. Pros and Cons will be weighed as design decisions are being made as to whether the portfolio should be more customized in comparison to the online templates that are available (lulu printing and blurb). As well as the use of  Blurb.


Module 4 is probably the least design oriented but probably the deal breaker in many cases. Here we will learn how to draft a letter of intent that is specific to the office of choice, while being generic so it can be utilized as a template for other job applications.


Module 5 is completely optional. If Module 4 was purchased we will review it in Module 5 to help optimize. But this module will mostly focus on a mock interview to ease any nervousness and help frame what a typical interview might be.



  • Q: Do I have to participate in all of the modules?

  • A: No. All of the modules are curated to allow everything to interconnect with one another and while I encourage participation in all of the modules. Feel free to participate as much or as little as you think will benefit you.

  • Q: Can I get a refund?

  • A: No, there are no refunds

  • Q: Are the courses self paced?

  • A: The value of this course comes from one on one sessions via virtual meetings and so it is not self paced at this time.

  • Q: Will you share how to use certain software?

  • A: While curtains tips may be shared during the virtual meeting this is mostly a one on one coaching session to help curate your portfolio not a software lesson.

  • Q: How are payments made?

  • A: Payments are handeled via PayPal at paypal.me/assemblemass. and are due prior to the first virtual meeting.

  • Q: Can you share any contacts from your current or past office?

  • A: No, the purpose is to get you to put your best foot forward not to use those course as a back door for the interview process.

  • Q: What software do you recommend?

  • A: I recommend Adobe Indesign or Affinity Publisher.